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Spreading the Wisdom of Autobiography of a Yogi Globally

The Book that Sparked a Spiritual Revolution
Sparking a spiritual revolution with millions of copies sold, Autobiography of a Yogi is a spiritual treasure. Reading its message of hope is to begin a great adventure.
A sage of Paramhansa Yogananda’s stature rarely writes a firsthand account of his life experiences.
Will you help us share the liberating message of Self-realization through the original Autobiography of a Yogi?
“As a bright light shining in the midst of darkness, so was Yogananda’s presence in this world. Such a great soul comes on earth only rarely, when there is a real need among men.”
—The Shankaracharya of Kanchipuram
Why the Original 1946 First Edition?
This is the only available edition that contains:
- The original, unedited text, as written by Yogananda himself, free from posthumous changes introduced by others.
- An appendix containing the final chapter, written five years after this edition was first published, presented free from all changes made after Yogananda’s death.
- An all-new foreword and afterword, written by Swami Kriyananda, one of Yogananda’s best-known direct disciples.
Why Large Print Runs are Necessary
- We need to print thousands of copies to meet the high demand from readers.
- Printing in large quantities reduces our cost per book, making it more affordable.
- We distribute printed books globally to ensure easy access for readers.
- Warehousing helps us maintain a consistent supply of the book.
- Marketing is crucial for increasing sales and reaching more readers.
- Your donations help support our global outreach efforts to make the book accessible to readers worldwide.
Supporting the Autobiography of a Yogi
Your donation helps print, distribute, and market the original 1946 edition of Autobiography of a Yogi. Contributions also support an endowment-like fund to ensure sustainable future print runs. Help keep Yogananda's teachings inspiring generations worldwide.