Have you heard of the technological singularity? It is a hypothetical moment when “technological growth becomes uncontrollable and irreversible, resulting in unforeseen consequences for human civilization.” It feels like we are approaching that point!
My concern with the rapid growth of technology is how it impacts our inner connection to the meaning and purpose of life. Beware of becoming a mere technological effect! Misusing technology can strip us of our divine gifts of willpower, reason, and intuition. We risk becoming hypnotized and programmed by technology, forgetting our purpose and why we are here. With technology's growing influence, we need to remember Swami Kriyananda’s advice: “Become a cause in life, not an effect.”
Technology is a tool that can be used for good or bad. At Ananda, we utilize a new AI chatbot to search for Yogananda’s teachings, and I’ve found it to be very helpful.
One troubling trend resulting from the misuse of technology is the rise of nihilism. The thought, “If the computer can do it better than I can, what value or purpose do I have?” might arise. No matter how advanced or intelligent a computer becomes, we still have one thing in our charge: ourselves!
What if the AI and technological revolution serve to remind us of our inner, divine potential? Technological growth reflects our desire for infinite intelligence, strength, and joy. We can reach a true technological singularity—oneness with God!
Just as the AI revolution calls for an internal revolution of our soul nature, so does the quest for Self-realization, as Paramhansa Yogananda described it. More than understanding a subject intellectually through the senses is required. That’s why AI cannot give you Divine Intelligence (DI)! Our soul nature seeks direct personal experience from within.
“Lord, for what end were we made?”
“Where did I come from, and where am I going?”
“What is life's deeper meaning and purpose, and what is my role in this grand drama?”
These metaphysical questions cannot be answered through intellect alone. ChatGPT may churn out answers, but they won't come from where we truly need them: our heart and soul.
We can only answer metaphysical questions through spiritual inquiry in the laboratory of meditation. As Swami Sri Yukteswar said, “Wisdom is not assimilated with the eyes, but with the atoms. When your conviction of a truth is not merely in your brain but in your being, you may confidently vouch for its meaning.”
This superconscious conviction comes through our sixth sense of intuition. Yogananda described Self-realization as “the knowing in all parts of body, mind, and soul that you are now in possession of the kingdom of God; that you do not have to pray for it to come to you; that God’s omnipresence is your omnipresence; and all that you need to do is improve your knowing.”
How do we improve our knowing?
What we need is a divine technology that awakens our inherent divine intelligence. The great Masters are acutely aware of the advent of technology, which is why the technology of Kriya Yoga has been brought back into the world. As Yogananda said in Autobiography of a Yogi, “Babaji is well aware of the trend of modern times.”
First, try updating your firmware. Find a firm resolve to discover your true purpose in life: Self-realization.
Remember to update your software. Refine your soul's programming language to communicate constantly with the Divine Server of Satchidananda (ever-existing, ever-conscious, ever-new joy).
Explore the path of Kriya Yoga and experience your technological singularity—become one with the only One there is.
Joy to you!
The study with the book
Raja Yoga and the Holy Bible give us what we
Need to live by.
Repeating searches
Of outside info take
Us away from truth.
Causing confusion.
Follow the Wisdom of God.
Dear Narayan- Thank you for the reminder technology should be a helpful tool only; not a substitute for taking charge of our purpose and spiritual destiny. You Tube is my best entertainment friend. I can watch Asha Nayaswami, Swamiji and other Ananda offerings endlessly when I simply need to unwind and be ‘entertained’. Adjusting my compromises to my principles:)
April Bryson
Thank you Narayan. That’s a great article. Technology has a way of taking our minds further away from God, in my experience and surroundings, by pulling our minds away from relationships, stillness and silence, the subtle influences, and fixing them on computers, tik tok, YouTube, etc. BUT I like how Ananda quickly finds ways to make it work FOR God and Guru, such as the virtual community for example.
Mukti Deranja
Thank you for this wonderful blog. I have been struggling to understand and use new areas of technology and recently have started to enjoy the challenge just a little bit. This has been a big step. You have opened me to the idea of bringing this attitude to my spiritual journey. I recognize that there is a divine technology with which to interact, which has often been overwhelming. And I need to call Tech. Support (God and Gurus!) to update my software and hardware to navigate the spiritual journey. The software on my devices require constant updates. So does my spiritual software! Hence the need to be sure I am continuously connected to the experts through daily meditation and divine remembrance.
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