
Two Simple Ways to Experience Joy, Calmness, Inner Security in an Uncertain World by Paramhansa Yogananda

Find Absolute Fulfillment in God

Life is change.

Remain ever calm within. Be even-minded. When working, be calmly active. Someday, you will know yourself to be subject no longer to the tides of Destiny. Your strength will come from within; you will not depend on outer incentives of any kind for motivation.

As a devotee on the spiritual path, give little weight to the trials that beset you. Be even-minded. Walk with courage. Go forward from day to day with calm, inner faith.

Eventually, you will pass beyond every shadow of bad karma, beyond all tests and difficulties, and will behold at last the dawn of divine fulfillment. In that highest of consciousness will come freedom from every last, trailing vapor of misfortune.

Today—now!—set out for that promised land—distant-seeming, yet ever near: the unshakable state of absolute fulfillment in God.

Meditate, as Meditation Brings Deep Bliss

Play your tragic or comic parts in life with an inner smile.

You are immortals, endowed with eternal joy. Never forget this during your play with changeable mortal life. This world is but a stage on which you play your parts under the direction of the Divine Stage Manager.

Play them well, whether they be tragic or comic, always remembering that your real nature is eternal bliss, and nothing else. The one thing that will never leave you is the joy of your soul.

Therefore, learn to swim in the calm sea of unchanging bliss before you attempt to plunge into the maelstrom of material life, which is the realm of sorrow, pleasure, indifference, and a deceptive, temporary peace.

The whole-hearted practice of meditation brings deep bliss. Manifest this serenity always.

Excerpted from How to Have Courage, Calmness, and Confidence by Paramhansa Yogananda

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