Paramhansa Yogananda initiated an educational revolution with his first "How to Live" Yoga school in Ranchi, India. His vision was to provide children with a comprehensive education that would enable them to reach their highest potential. He expressed his aspiration as follows:
"The ideal of an all-sided education for youth had always been close to my heart. I saw clearly the arid results of ordinary instruction, aimed only at the development of body and intellect. Moral and spiritual values, without whose appreciation no man can approach happiness, were yet lacking in the formal curriculum. I determined to found a school where young boys could develop to the full stature of manhood." -Autobiography of a Yogi
As part of this holistic education, Yogananda incorporated the teachings of yoga and meditation for his students. He aimed to provide children with the opportunity to experience their own latent divinity through daily silent inner communion.
Additionally, he introduced a unique system of physical development, initially known as "Yogoda," which later came to be known as the "Energization Exercises." Yogananda described his yogic discovery of Energization in the following manner:
"Realizing that man's body is like an electric battery, I reasoned that it could be recharged with energy through the direct agency of the human will. As no action, slight or large, is possible without willing, man can avail himself of his prime mover, will, to renew his bodily tissues without burdensome apparatus or mechanical exercises." -Autobiography of a Yogi
One of the fundamental principles underlying the Energization Exercises is willpower. Yogananda emphasized that "the greater the will, the greater the flow of energy." Willingness is, in fact, one of the most powerful stimulants to willpower. In essence, they are two sides of the same coin.
For instance, Swami Kriyananda titled his first music album beautifully: "Say YES! to Life."
Saying YES! is a crucial step in opening the door to the abundant flow of divine energy from God. Yogananda would begin his lectures by asking the audience:
"How is everyone?"
And the response would be: "Awake and Ready!"
"How feels everyone?"
"Awake and ready!"
Our state of being "awake and ready" allows the ever-awake presence of God to fill us with His divine energy, enabling us to realize our true potential as His children.
Certainly, we all encounter obstacles along the path of wakefulness. To assist you in overcoming these impediments, we invite you to explore our latest release, Awake and Ready! It offers practical keys to help you ease tensions, improve relationships, and create a happier environment in your home, workplace, or classroom.
May we all become truly awake in Him!
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