Amazing Grace - Single - Digital
This is a single from Tyagi Ram "Robert" Smith's album, Spirituals of America: Songs that Inspire the Soul's Awakening!
Recorded: 2004
Directed by: Swami Kriyananda
I recorded Amazing Grace - The Spirituals of America in Gurgaon, India in September 2004 under the guidance of my spiritual teacher, Swami Kriyanandaji. It was a tribute to the people of African descent who were enslaved for over 300 years while building America. These songs were written in times of great suffering of a people, but they have withstood the test of time to inspire people of all races and religions, seeing God as an expression of overcoming the pains of life with Great Joy! Each of the 19 Songs recorded in the album have this message of overcoming suffering with God’s Joy!

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