Conversations with Ananda
Finding Happiness & Success Through Joyful Self-Offering
Seventy Pioneering Ananda Members Tell Their Stories
Nayaswami Rambhakta
Ananda is a worldwide association of disciples of Paramhansa Yogananda. In the late 1940s and early 1950s Yogananda repeatedly commissioned his disciple Swami Kriyananda with the “great work” of showing how his teachings can be applied by people in all walks of life to find happiness and success through “plain living and high thinking.” Here, 70 Ananda members tell their inspiring stories.
For information about Ananda, visit ananda.org.
“Just wanted you to know how much I'm enjoying the book. It's like having my favorite people come over and share their stories. Wonderfully inspiring!”
- Michael Nitai Deranja, Author, For Goodness’ Sake: Supporting Children & Teens in Discovering Life’s Higher Values, and Co Founder of the Living Wisdom Schools
“’What is the purpose of Ananda?’ Swamiji was asked. ‘To have fun,’ he replied, explaining that by ‘fun’ he meant ‘to feel the love of Divine Mother and share that love with all.’ As a founding member of Ananda, I can say with my whole heart, ‘We have had fun!’ Both by Swamiji’s elevated definition and in the sheer joy of living together in those glorious early years. Thank you, Rambhakta, for preserving that time through this treasure chest of oral history. Future generations will sing their gratitude to have both the spirit and the facts of Ananda’s founding in such a clear, natural, enjoyable form. Well done!”
- Nayaswami Asha, Author, Swami Kriyananda: Lightbearer

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