The Time Tunnel
This story explores life-enhancing spiritual truths through the eyes of two young boys, including how to find true happiness, what qualities bring unhappiness, how positive expectations bring positive results, and what values are important. Through the questions they ask and the answers they receive, Donny and Bobby develop a foundation for wisdom that can help them throughout life.
The Time Tunnel is richly imaginative and inventive yet conveys deep truths in a way that will provide adults and children with fascinating topics for discussion.
Donny and Bobby, two American boys exploring a forest near a tiny Romanian town, discover a science laboratory in ruins. Adjoining the laboratory is a room with a mysterious tunnel. When the boys come upon a dinosaur that appears to have died quite recently near the laboratory, they look for an explanation in the laboratory files. There they find a paper that says:
"Time does not go in a straight line, from past to present to future, as people think. Rather, it proceeds in a circle around a center in the eternal now . . ."

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