Head & Heart
How a Balanced Education Nurtures Happy Children Who Excel in School & Life
by George Beinhorn
A handbook for parents and educators
Based on the 50-year experience of the Living Wisdom Schools
Stories, Methods, Research, Results
WHAT IS THE SOLUTION to the problems confronting education today? Surely the answer lies in studying the individual child. A lockstep curriculum that ignores each child’s special strengths sets too many students up to fail. “Studying to the test” fails to give children an in-depth awareness of important principles. Filling their heads with quickly forgotten facts without building on their natural enthusiasm for learning creates burnout, rebellion, and one-sided graduates who are inadequately prepared for life. This book tells how a group of small schools overcame these limitations, starting in the early 1970s. Through conversations with teachers, academics, and hard research, it presents a time-tested, successful prescription for creating schools where the children are inspired to succeed.
“I feel honored to be connected, however indirectly, to Living Wisdom School. I marvel at its spirit, I embrace its visionary ideal, and I celebrate its remarkable accomplishments. I urge us all to spread the word on how special a place it really is.”
—Michael S. Katz, PhD, Professor of Philosophy and Education at San Jose State University. Dr. Katz teaches courses in applied philosophy, including moral issues and the philosophy of education. His present area of research is the ethics of teaching.
“Education for Life… is an exalted call for change, based on deep insight into the potentials of every human being. It tells us how to nurture creativity, wisdom, and intuition in each child, and how to tap his unexplored capabilities.”
—Jesse J. Casbon, PhD, Dean of the Graduate School for Professional Studies at Lewis & Clark College (and former LWS High School Director)
“If you could put what you are doing in the public schools, it would change the world.”
—School Superintendent at initial accreditation visit to the Living Wisdom School in Nevada City, California

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