A Healer's Handbook

Sale priceRs600.00

This book chronicles Mary Kretzmann's insights and experiences in healing others, and serves as a guidebook for those who wish to gain a deeper understanding of this fascinating area of spiritual service.

Mary has served as the director of the Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry for nearly 30 years, which has furnished her with a unique opportunity to guide many around the world in techniques such as healing prayers and affirmations, visualizations, partial fasting, and more. Her work over these years has also included a number of “laying on of hands” healing sessions, drawn from the teachings of the great spiritual master Paramhansa Yogananda and of Jesus Christ.

Many cases of instantaneous healing have occurred in her sessions: for example, a cure after ten years of chronic fatigue. Another person consulted Mary regarding a longstanding systemic infection that his doctors said could not be cured, but only controlled through ongoing, low-dose chemotherapy. That man’s session involved recovery from a deep past-life trauma; after his session, he was well.

Other cases of near-instantaneous healing include two young women who were cancer survivors. Their medical treatments had left them with many health problems. After one session each with Mary, their health was much improved and their menstrual cycles returned.

Mary has seen the power of invoking Psalm 23, as a tool to help clients open to God’s healing grace, and to direct energy into the particular chakra that correlates to their physical and emotional issues.

These same principles have brought healing from deep emotional wounds, whether they originate in this life or in a previous existence. Post-traumatic stress can reverberate through lifetimes, if the trauma was harrowing. Many people have told the author that “One session with you helped me much more than years of therapy.”

Format: Paperback

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Janaka Keller
Must read for healers!

Adding healing prayers to my daily routine has re-energized my spiritual life! The author shares the techniques and teachings of healing in a natural and easy to understand way because she has lived and experienced the power of prayer!

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