Ananda Yoga for Higher Awareness
Illustrated with photographs of the postures, this authentic “awareness approach” adds an important dimension for advanced practitioners, while providing an excellent foundation for beginners.
• Become aware of the energy flows in your body and their effects on your attitudes and outlook
• Achieve harmony of body, mind, and soul
• Cultivate attitudes of willingness, appreciation, kindness, and joy
• Enjoy a greater sense of radiant health and well-being
• Increase your self-control
• Achieve a richer, more harmonious emotional life
• Deepen your inner awareness
Kriyananda brings the yoga science back to its central focus as an integral part of the meditative science of Raja Yoga. His approach is in the tradition of the ancient hatha yoga, and that of his own guru, the great Indian master Paramhansa Yogananda, author of the most widely read and respected of all books on yoga, Autobiography of a Yogi.

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