The Story Behind the Story
In this book you'll step "behind the scenes" and explore the inspirations that led Swami Kriyananda to write his first 80-plus books—from the one that started it all, Yours—the Universe!, printed on a mimeograph machine—to some of his more recent works, such as Conversations with Yogananda, a worldwide bestseller published on three continents.
Paramhansa Yogananda started Swami Kriyananda on the path of writing when he told his young disciple: "Your work is writing, editing, and lecturing."
Swami Kriyananda explains that he has always seen Yogananda's teachings as the hub of a wheel, from which spokes reach out in all directions to provide valuable insights for all aspects of life. As Kriyananda says, "I set out to write books that would demonstrate how life lived at every level could be given deeper meaning: how one could succeed at anything he wanted, and attain any goal he set for himself. The simple rules of life Yogananda gave to the world can help everyone to achieve the universal goal of all life: happiness."

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