The Wisdom of Yogananda Collection
This series features writings of Paramhansa Yogananda not available elsewhere—including many from his earliest years in America—in an approachable, easy-to-read format. The words of the Master are presented with minimal editing, to capture his expansive and compassionate wisdom, his sense of fun, and his practical spiritual guidance.
This eleven-book collection by Paramhansa Yogananda is available now. You receive a special 20% discount when you buy all ten books.

In This Collection…

How to Be Happy All the Time
The human drive for happiness is one of our most far-reaching and fundamental needs. Yet, despite our desperate search for happiness, according to a recent Gallup Poll, only a minority of North Americans describe themselves as “very happy.” It seems that very few of us have truly unlocked the secrets of lasting joy and inner peace.
Now, in this volume of all-new, never-before-released material, Paramhansa Yogananda—who has hundreds of thousands of followers and admirers in North America—playfully and powerfully explains virtually everything needed to lead a happier, more fulfilling life.
Topics covered include: looking for happiness in the right places; choosing to be happy; tools and techniques for achieving happiness; sharing happiness with others; balancing success and happiness; and many more.

Karma and Reincarnation
Many people share theories on reincarnation, or karma, or what happens at death. Paramhansa Yogananda, a master of yoga, writes from his own true knowledge and experience.
Coming through Yogananda’s words, above all, is the deepest encouragement to every reader: the reassurance that God loves us, and that all of life is designed to help us move toward our own highest fulfillment.
Included in the book are such subjects as:
- Why do we see a world of suffering and inequality?
- How should we handle the challenges in our lives?
- What happens at death, and after death? Is there a heaven?
- What is the origin and purpose of reincarnation?
This book offers fascinating answers for life’s great mysteries, but, more importantly, it tells you how to make the most of every day of the life you’ve been given.
As Yogananda explains the operation of karma, death, and reincarnation, he also shares the deeper purpose of existence for every soul. Understanding these truths can bring clarity, confidence, and inspiration into your life.
This is the second volume in The Wisdom of Yogananda series. The Wisdom of Yogananda series features writings of Paramhansa Yogananda not available elsewhere. These books capture the Master’s expansive and compassionate wisdom, his sense of fun, and his practical spiritual guidance. The books include writings from his earliest years in America, in an approachable, easy-to-read format. The words of the Master are presented with minimal editing, to capture the fresh and original voice of one of the most highly regarded spiritual teachers of the twentieth century.

How to Love and Be Loved
Friendship, love, marriage, and children can offer us our greatest joys in life or our greatest sorrows. Selfless love is the essential key to happiness in all our relationships, but how do we practice it?
This is the third book in The Wisdom of Yogananda series. The series features writings not available elsewhere, that capture the Master’s expansive and compassionate wisdom.
In this book, Paramhansa Yogananda, one of the best-loved spiritual teachers of the twentieth century, shares fresh inspiration and practical guidance on:
- Friendship: broadening your sympathies and expanding
the boundaries of your love - How to cure bad habits that spell the death of true friendship:
judgment, jealousy, over-sensitivity, unkindness, and more the right partner and create a lasting marriage
- Sex in marriage and how to conceive a spiritual child
- Problems that arise in marriage and what to do about them
- Experiencing the Universal Love behind all your relationships

How to Be a Success
Is there a power that can reveal hidden veins of riches and uncover treasures of which we never dreamed? Is there a force that we can call upon to give success, health, happiness, and spiritual enlightenment? The saints and sages of India taught that there is such a power.
Now, in this volume of all-new, never-before-released material, Paramhansa Yogananda—who has millions of followers around the world—shares how we can achieve the highest success with material and spiritual efficiency.
This is the fourth volume in The Wisdom of Yogananda series. The series features writings not available elsewhere. They capture the Master's expansive and compassionate wisdom, his sense of fun, and his practical spiritual guidance.

How to Have Courage, Calmness, and Confidence
Courage, calmness, and confidence are the secrets to dealing with any difficulty life sends. The "impossible" becomes manageable, and a stepping-stone to greater inner strength. Everyone can be courageous, calm, and confident, because these are qualities of the soul. Hypnotized with material thinking and desires, many of us have lost touch with our inner power.
In this potent book of spiritual wisdom, Paramhansa Yogananda shares the most effective steps for reconnecting with your divine nature. You will learn how to:
- Access powerful soul qualities
- Overcome the great obstacles of worry, fear, nervousness, and anger
- Attune to the Divine within you through concentration and meditation
- Use scientific healing affirmations to transform your thinking and your experience of life
The soul has everything it needs to meet every test of life. As you live in tune with the power of your soul, your life will be completely transformed.

How to Achieve Glowing Health and Vitality
Paramhansa Yogananda, a foremost spiritual teacher of modern times, offers practical, wide-ranging, and fascinating suggestions on how to have more energy and to live a radiantly healthy life.
The principles in this book promote physical health and all-round well-being, mental clarity, and ease and inspiration in your spiritual life. Readers will discover:
- Priceless Energization Exercises for rejuvenating the body and mind
- The art of conscious relaxation
- Diet tips for health and beauty

How to Awaken Your True Potential
Are you ready to take serious steps to discover the hidden resources of divine joy, love, and power within you? Paramhansa Yogananda, one of the best-loved spiritual teachers of modern times, offers step-by-step guidance to help you awaken your true potential. You will discover that hidden within you is untold power, and you will learn how to take steps daily to live life with greater joy and meaning.
Yogananda rouses you to awaken your true nature, beginning by looking at the habits that hold you back and how best to change them. He gives practical steps to prepare you for the inner journey of awakening. The book includes not only the meditation technique that he calls “one of India’s greatest gifts to the world,” but many other techniques for achieving inner stillness and realization. Yogananda also shows you how, once you begin to discover the power of your soul nature, to use higher consciousness to live more productively and successfully.
This is the seventh volume in The Wisdom of Yogananda series. The series features writings not available elsewhere. They capture the Master's expansive and compassionate wisdom, his sense of fun, and his practical spiritual guidance.

The Man Who Refused Heaven
Why is humor so deeply appreciated? Laughter is one of the great joys of life. Joy is fundamental to who we are.
Yogananda’s experience of life, his experience of the goal of all life, was filled with joy. He lived in joy always, and sought to awaken it in others. Though he could be intensely serious and deep as appropriate, he also could express the greatest joy, often in unexpected situations.
The humor in this book arose spontaneously from Yogananda’s deep joy. Sometimes he used humor to express an important spiritual principle. Sometimes he used it in training the disciples, to help them learn in a way that reasoned lectures could never achieve.
This book is the 8th volume in The Wisdom of Yogananda series. Most of the humor in this book was taken from Yogananda’s writings. Also included are experiences with the master that demonstrate his playful spirit. These were written by Swami Kriyananda, from his years of being trained personally by Yogananda, or from stories that were shared with him by other close disciples.

How to Face Life’s Changes
Changes come in life not to destroy us. They come, rather, to help us grow in understanding and to learn the lessons we must if we are to reach our highest potential.
But how can we embrace change rather than resist its constant presence in our lives? How can we accept and face change with courage and faith when there is so much uncertainty in our world?
This volume will help you:
- Accept change as the reality of life
- Face change in relationships, finances, and health with gratitude
- Cultivate key attitudes like fearlessness, non-attachment, and willpower
- Embrace the changes in our bodies with grace and strength
- Acknowledge death as the “supreme change” in the physical body only
Yogananda will help you tap into the changeless joy of your soul-nature, empowering you to move through life fearlessly and with an open heart.