Touch of Peace: Living the Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda
With all of the changes taking place in the world around us, the need for inner peace is greater than ever before. Learning to live in peace under all circumstances is the secret of a happy life. This powerful collection of spiritual writings will change your life by guiding you through inspiration and new perspectives for facing life’s challenges and finding peace within. Drawing from the teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda (author of the classic Autobiography of a Yogi), Touch of Peace shares practical tools, instructive stories, and right attitudes to help you tap the wellsprings of peace inside you.
“Who among us has not had to deal with his share of trials? It is worry, even more than the trial itself, that usually does damage to our peace and happiness,” said author, Nayaswami Jyotish. “Raising our consciousness is the true solution” he continues, for facing the battlefield of life—to keep us from sinking into our worries, so we may learn to overcome our trials.
In their newest release, Touch of Peace, co-authors Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi, show us the way forward to a brighter future. Since the onset of the global tsunami of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the resulting dramatic changes in people’s lives around the world, the passages within this book offer fresh perspective, practices, and ancient yoga teachings to help individuals deal with the special challenges we face.

“Get ready to enjoy story, after story, after inspiring story about the quest for inner peace—a quest in which we all participate, whether we are fully conscious of it or not. Each chapter (one for every week of the year) will charm you with fresh insights about finding your place of peace within daily life, thus being able to become, as St. Frances said, ‘… an instrument of Thy peace.’ Surely there can be no better personal quest for us, especially during the present time of major challenges in the world in which we live!” -Nayaswami Savitri, author of The Meaning of Dreaming, Chakras for Starters, and the Treta Yuga Trilogy of spiritual novels
“It has been my pleasure to read and praise all of the books in this series beginning with Touch of Light and now Touch of Peace. Jyotish and Devi’s heartfelt, insightful, inspiring, and helpful thoughts address many of the questions and subjects of interest to all sincere seekers everywhere. Touch of Peace is another friendly companion to walk with along life’s spiritual journey.” -Joseph Puru Selbie, author of The Physics of God and The Yugas
“Touch of Peace is a collection of posts to bring us solace in a troubled world. The chapters in this gem of a book address the qualities of harmony, balance, and more. With the simplest explanations cloaked in clarity, Nayaswami Jyotish and Nayaswami Devi offer us practical tools to bring us to the shores of our own inner peace.” -Lila Devi, founder of Spirit-in-Nature Essences and author of 4 books including the spiritual memoir, From Bagels to Curry
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